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[June, 9th 2013 at 2:58p]

Alright, not entirely sure if it's cool to do this here. But I thought, since the plot post for the Arena has gotten so many comments and, therefore, likely bogged down just a bit I'd throw this up here for The Doctor specifically. I've been running through things in my head on what he might be really involved with, and while he's not much of a fighter, he's definitely a 'warrior' in his own right. That being said, sabotage/intel collecting/signal deciphering will be where the Doctor's the strongest at.

He'd be a good, if not great, asset to have in a raid so long as that raid includes peeps who are capable of actually fighting a Terminator unit. Granted, The Doctor has been known to find his ways around not having fighters, but this is a bit big. Lol. I know some have already started working with me on some ideas, but I thought I'd throw this up on the off chance others who were looking for stuff missed The Doctor's post, or didn't get a chance to decide what they wanted to do yet.

Anywho, hope this is cool putting this here? If not, uhm, I'll be more than happy to take it down.

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[June, 7th 2013 at 1:55a]

So good news. I will NOT be out of the internet until the 18th; we were able to get things handled until then, and so I'll be back starting Friday night.
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[June, 5th 2013 at 8:49p]

So just a warning to people, I am currently without internet. I may remain that way until the 18th, not sure yet. We're having transfer issues between our outgoing and incoming internet providers.
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[May, 27th 2013 at 9:48p]

hey everyone! my name's kit and i'm a newbie here bringing you percy jackson from the percy jackson/heroes of olympus series. he's coming from the end of mark of athena so, like annabeth, he's going to b unsure what's worse, home or here XD but at least they are together, ahem ANYWAY. he's kind of your typical teenage boy with the added bonus of being the son of poseidon. he's sarcastic, pretty confident in himself and tends to get super competitive with friends and foes alike. he's impulsive, tends to stick his foot in his mouth but is a ridiculously loyal friend. no, really, his fatal flaw is his personal loyalties so yeah XD i just requested 101 in d-district, so he'll likely have insta-connection with you 101-ers!

i'm excited to be here and excited to jump in on the fun so hit me up with plots or whatever :D i have a contact post on percy's journal and can also be reached over at [info]boatshoes. ♥
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[May, 28th 2013 at 10:50a]


It is me, Ally! I am very happy to be introducing this dear creature, Ms Donna Noble to the game! Donna is of course from Doctor Who and she is pretty darn peeved that her traveling buddy has left her stranded on this strange island place...thing.

She has been taken from the end of Turn Left so you know, before the 'unpleasantness' *shiver*

Hit me up with the love, people! If you don't know how to get to me, aim: timeconverges, email:, Donna's dropbox or my personal journal [info]ilikethequiet
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[May, 24th 2013 at 6:58p]

Dee here! I'm going to intro Cassie tomorrow, just wanted to apologize if I've been a little slower this week. I have these really bad work projects that are sucking away all my time and creativity. Thanks for your patience!
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[May, 19th 2013 at 8:17p]

Hello my peeps!

Right, never saying that again.

Anyway, brilliant to see you all I'm Matt, and I bring with me The Doctor. The Eleventh Incarnation as the bowtie signifies. Granted, you can't see the bowtie in this picture, but it's a Jammie Dodger, and that gives out the same sort of clue.

Anyway, back to the hellos and introduction and all of that nonsense. Like I said, this is The Doctor and you probably know who he is. If you don't, you need to fix that right now; until then, let me give you a quick run down. The Doctor is the definition of eccentric. He is wild and fast paced never keeping up really with himself, or allowing anyone else to keep up really. He's thinking of several things at a mile a minute at the same time, yet is also speaking on a different line that rarely lines up with what he is thinking, and talks faster than he thinks.

That being said, he's very aware of everything he's doing, even if it's flying by the seat of his pants, and he's brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. He'd like to say his intelligence is unmatched, and will generally find a way to prove it, but that being said he's simply brilliant from all of his experience, reading, and long life (over 900 years old).

He's quirky and wears bowties and fezzes and stetsons and likes Jammie Dodgers. Yet he's not all fun and games, most of the time sure, but really he's the reason the word 'Doctor' means 'Warrior' on some planets.

While he prefers not to 'kill', he's done it many times and has no qualms about it if absolutely necessary. He's got a dark and angry side, they don't always go hand in hand; the dark side, that side is kept under wraps and hidden, buried deep inside. That anger though, it shows just the very tip of what the Doctor would be capable of flipping sides.

His anger and wrath are dark and frightening to some, and when he reaches that point it's rare that anyone can have any hope of getting away.

That being said, the man loves fish fingers and custard people, so let's plot because it's going to be nothing but absolutely fun times!

Anyway, again, you can reach me for all sorts of plots: enemies, friends, frienemies, and beyond! E-mail: and AIM: Trampled Webs is where you can reach me. ALL OF THE LINES!!!

And for your viewing pleasure )
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[May, 5th 2013 at 7:08p]

Hey all, it’s Elle and I’m going to make this short and sweet, even though I could spend all day introducing this character. This is Regina Mills AKA The Evil Queen and yes, it’s that Evil Queen from Snow White & the Seven Dwarves, or you know, from ABC’s Once Upon A Time where she is based from. Regina has been taken from Storybrooke right at the end of Season One so she won’t be too happy to realize that she’s not in her town anymore and that some of the characters from her world are scattered about the island – I’m looking at you Snow White, Emma and Graham.

So, because Regina is, well, EVIL, she will being doing evil things. Evil things that I’m sure won’t be taken lightly or ignored so she will be in a big surprise when she realizes that she can’t go full evil witch like she has in the past. Still, she will spend every waking moment making sure the people she hates the most suffer in some way, whether it be mind games or if she finds a way to hurt them that doesn’t involve removing their hearts and crushing it to pieces.

Regina is open to ALL OF THE LINES, whether they are rivalry lines or diabolical partnerships. She’ll scratch your back if you scratch hers, or you know, she’ll stab a knife in it.
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[May, 5th 2013 at 9:50p]

Hi everyone!

You are an addiction. I've mentioned this. But for real. I am addicted to youuuu. And Final Fantasy. >.> and now I get to feed my FF love.

This is Fran from Final Fantasy 12 (thanks to Shauna for the journal!). Full application here. She is the partner of Balthier and a fellow sky pirate. If you want to see their fantastic entrance, this is a good video. Fran is a viera, a race of secluded forest dwellers with white hair and big bunny ears. AND that brings me to my first point, which is please pretend that the icons I have of her look like this. I use Zoe Saldana, who is wonderful and lovely, but does not have white hair and rabbit ears. So please pretend Fran does! Thank you ilu guys.

Anyway Fran decided to shrug off the reclusive nature of her people and left to see the big wide world. Doing so meant she was cut off from the wood and not considered viera anymore. She joined up with Balthier several years ago and they were instant simpatico. Fran is aloof and distant. She's mysterious and difficult to get to know, but she is loyal and empathic to the people she cares about. Viera live three times as long as Humes, so she has more wisdom and calmness to her than most. She has advanced senses, especially hearing, and damn good with a bow or gun.

She does not like being trapped or held in one place due to fighting so hard for her freedom, so this is going to be interesting/difficult. >.>

Plots for Fran and all my bbs are welcome. :D
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I Return! [May, 5th 2013 at 8:47a]

I'm fully off my slowatus now! So if you want Claire or Snow times I am at your service!
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super quick reintroduction [April, 24th 2013 at 10:55p]

So, it has been a few months! Hello again, it’s Elle and I have returned to thegladiators~! Life was a little hectic a couple of months back and therefore I had to cut down on my writing time and unfortunately I had to give up on writing here altogether with hopes that I would one day return. For those who remember me, I played Kahlan Amnell and Cameron Hicks my first time around. Sadly, I decided not to bring back those two and decided to bring in someone new.

This here is Caleb Danvers from the movie The Covenant. You may remember this movie or not, but if you don’t it’s alright because it wasn’t entirely memorable. Basically, Caleb is part of a coven of “witches” – dubbed Sons of Ipswich - who are able to use magical powers through the force known as “The Power” – I know, sounds original, but that’s how it works. Caleb will arrive after the events of the film and will wonder just what the hell is happening. If you haven’t seen the movie and need a little more backtstory then go ahead and read up on his bio.

I guess that’s it? I was going to wait and do this in the morning but I decided to go ahead and do it anyway. I look forward to once again writing with you all and plotting away with all your characters – which by the way – Caleb is open to all sorts of lines. You can reach me by PM through this journal, my email or you can contact me at my personal journal [info]tragedy.
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[April, 24th 2013 at 6:54p]

Hi, everyone! I'm a brand new player here and I'm REALLY NERVOUS, so be gentle with me. I'm Jachelle (It's pronounced like Raquel if anyone's curious!) and I'm Dee's bestie. She's been keysmashing at me for days on end about how amazing this game and all of the players are, so I decided I had to come see all of this awesomeness in action.

I've got this lovely lady right here, Zoë Nightshade from the Percy Jackson book series. She actually has a really cool history, which you can read about here, but I'll give you the condensed version. She is well over 2000 years old and used to be one of the Hesperides (nymphs of the sunset who tended a kickass garden). But she was disowned by her family and instead became one of the hunters of Artemis. When she swore her oath to Artemis, she became immortal and spent the next couple thousand years devoting herself to the goddess and running around through the woods hunting monsters and whatever she pleased.

She's a pretty serious gal and can be kind of intense and bossy. She swore an oath of maidenhood and so she pretty much hates all men. Though Percy was kind of starting to change her mind a little before she turned up here. She also has trouble keeping up with modern languages and trends so she tends to speak in thee, thy, and thous.

Abilities wise, she's got 2000+ years of fighting experience and is a wicked shot with her bow and arrow. Thanks to a little magical help from her Goddess, she's got supernaturally good accuracy with it.

I think that's it? I'd really love to dive into plotting things for her and jumping into the game. If you want to reach me at all, my email is and feel free to friend my OOC journal at [info]thegiggleloop!

Okay. I'm going to go hyperventilate somewhere now.

yep )
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[April, 24th 2013 at 9:16p]

As you people know from my CDJ ([info]iseethelight if you haven't added me yet), I'm completely addicted to you. I don't even have an excuse. You just rock. I am loving the hell out of watching the arenas, you're all just so jlsfkjdlfjsd yes keysmashy. Anyway! This is Dee again and I have two more and I am going to smack myself so I stop now.

First is Peter Parker right here. Isn't he cute. It's BB Spidey. He's from The Amazing Spider-Man, from the very end of the film. So he's broken up with his girlfriend because her dad was dying and made him promise. He's completely new to being Spidey, he's only been for a few months and just had his first big boss battle with the Lizard. But he's very adaptable and he's getting the hang of his powers finally. His whole application is here. Peter's a good kid, he has a big heart and a big mouth. He is the actual worst at keeping secret identities so far. I asked to have him in 103.

Second I have Luke Castellan, [info]scarredantihero. Here's his app. I won't be introing him until tomorrow probably, because Aurora's out for the night and I need to get him better icons. Luke is from the Percy Jackson series. I'm going to put a spoiler cut just in case because the movies are technically new even if the books aren't and I don't want to be that mean spoiler person.

Spoilers? )

Sorry that got long, I just know he's less well known so needs a bit more explanation. ANYWAY you guys rock. I can't get enough of you. I'm reading the arena eagerly, can't wait until next month to join in officially. :D Hugs for all.
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[April, 16th 2013 at 9:02p]

Some of you may have already seen this on my CDJ (if not, add me, I'm [info]iseethelight!), but I might be a little slow the next few days. I'm going to try to tag asap, but I work in the news business, so as you can imagine, it's pretty intense right now. Overtime and free pizza for all, whee. I think I know all the ones I owe right now and I haven't forgotten any! You guys rock! It's been such a great experience so far! Okay. <3
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[April, 14th 2013 at 9:04p]

Hello everyone!

I knew it wouldn't take long before all you Final Fantasy people sucked me in. Like I said, I've never seen such an eclectic cast, so I was hooked. This is Dee with char #2, Celes Chere from Final Fantasy 6. You can read her full application here, but she's a former Empire general. She used to be one of Emperor Gestahl's most trusted soldiers, but she started to question their methods and dishonorable tactics they were using. So she ended up being arrested as a traitor and she was going to be executed, before Locke saved her and she joined up with the rest of the crew. She's from near the end of the game, after she managed to bring everyone back together.

Celes is fierce and intelligent and quite the warrior, but she can come off as something of an Ice Queen. She's cold and calculating, and until recently she didn't exactly have what you'd call friends and/or social skills. She's opened up a lot since joining the Returners, and since the worst pretty much happened in her world, she's reevaluating things in a more positive light. It's a work in progress.

So she and Charles are open to all kinds of plot! I promise I am getting to my log tags right after this, I had a little OOC bad news yesterday that threw me off. <3
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[April, 10th 2013 at 9:06a]

Hi everyone, I'm brand new here. And a bit nervous! I'm Dee. My e-mail is if you need anything and my cdj is [info]iseethelight. I already know Aurora and Anna from other games, but I'm looking forward to meeting everyone else. This here is Charles Xavier from X-Men: First Class. I have his full app here. He's the founder of the X-Men and believes in peaceful coexistence between mutants and humans. He also is arrogant and used to getting his way. I brought him in before he got paralyzed, when he was right about to attack Erik. He has his heart in the right place and means well, but he's still new to the superhero biz and thinks he knows everything.

He's a high level telepath but that brings me to the consent issue. Probably the most important part for you lovely people. Charles can do a variety of things with his powers, many of them potentially invasive. Because of that, I want it clear here that I will ask consent from players if I ever want his powers to be used against them. Even if it's as simple as reading their mind or knowing something he shouldn't, I definitely don't want to cross lines. That being said, if you want him to be able to read their minds, or you have some plots you'd like to work with and think he could help with that, I'd be more than happy to roll with it.

A note: I work online for a newspaper, so I'm around a lot. Please don't hesitate to poke me on gchat, even if I have a busy on there, because I'm probably around and simply keeping an eye on a story. That being said, I'm very excited to meet all of you and get started! Sorry if this is long. I need coffee.
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Intro Time!! [April, 10th 2013 at 10:17p]

Hello! It's a me, Mario! Ally! And I am bringing in my second character, Claire Bennet from Heroes! So Claire is your preppy perky cheerleader type who needs to be saved because if you don't save her, your world? It will end. *nod* Save the cheerleader, save the world and all that.

She is from about mid season 2 so she's still pretty awesome and she is coming to an arena near you! Her ability is rapid cellular regeneration which means while she can get hurt and even possibly die, she doesn't stay that way for long and her body fixes itself. If you stick pointy things in her brain however, the healing process will take longer.

Plots! All the plots! Gimme gimme! You wanna jam with the Claire Bear? Hit me up here, at her dropbox or come find me on AIM at timeconverges
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Slowatus [April, 8th 2013 at 7:12a]

So for the next four weeks I have do to one of those 'God Ally, why can't you get a job? We're going to teach you how to be the best you can be!' courses (why it's four weeks long and why I have to do it again even though I did it two years ago is beyond me.)

I don't expect it to impede me too much with tags as I'll be doing them when I get home just yeah, so you know where I am.
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[April, 7th 2013 at 1:56a]

Hey loves. Just a heads up that I've managed to develop a case of zombie flu, for real. It's not fun and I hope it explains my absence. I'm probably going to need a couple more days before I can focus on anything. Boo.
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[March, 10th 2013 at 11:26p]

Okay wow. Lots of new characters and cool things happening that I need to respond to, but first I'll sneak in a quick intro for character number three. Yes, it's another Final Fantasy kid. No, I don't know how to app anything else. Don't judge.

Meet Sabin Rene Figaro. It's not a case of doppelgangers this time - he really is supposed to look like Edgar. They're identical except for the fact that he, um, ran off to become a moving wall of muscle. For reference here is a artsy size comparison. So I'm asking you to all engage your imaaaaginations to pretend that Sabin is noticeably bigger when the two are together.

Out of my current characters, he's probably the easiest to be with. Sabin likes to laugh and doesn't object to much. He has a self-depreciating sense of humor, so feel free to laugh with him. If you need someone to clean out your fridge, he is your man. If you need someone to show you a real life equivalent to the HADOOUUUUKEN, he is your man. If you're moving and need a couch relocated, he is your man.

In closing, he will help you avoid this awkward scenario:

Plot with Sabin, Elena, or Balthier is love!
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